A S.A.F.E. Project
Abortopedia is SAFE’s secure online resource for grassroots abortion activists in Europe. It’s for anyone helping people living in one of the many parts of Europe with bad abortion provision to have the abortions they want. Abortopedia was created by and for activists with experience of putting abortion pills in people’s hands and helping people travel for first, second and third trimester abortions. Abortopedia is a living document, updated as necessary.
Unique user log in credentials for Abortopedia will be available after applicants sign a user agreement and complete a short security screening. User logins will be available from 25 November 2024. To get your access to Abortopedia, click the button below.
Why Abortopedia?
Information crucial to the sustainability of the European pro-abortion movement currently exists in the knowledge of a handful of activists. As two long standing members of the grassroots abortion activist movement, SAFE’s co-founders have built Abortopedia as a way to capture our collective knowledge and make it accessible to existing and emerging abortion activists while protecting it from landing in unwanted hands. Abortopedia is for activists by activists, and our content priorities were developed after surveying exiting abortion activists in Europe, the US and Latin America.
Why S.A.F.E?
Supporting Abortions for Everyone – S.A.F.E. is committed to providing abortion access to people who have been abandoned by governments and healthcare services across Europe. SAFE provides the infrastructure, funding, knowledge and other resources needed to boost the grassroots abortion movement to ensure true reproductive justice. SAFE’s co-founders have over 25 years’ experience helping people get abortions, creating and scaling up abortion funds, fundraising, grassroots activism, movement building, project management, partnership building and more. SAFE built this resource for you, and we can’t wait to hear what you think of it.
We are Supporting Abortions for Everyone. We are S.A.F.E.